Thursday, September 22, 2011

Artist evaluation

Monet is, one of the Fathers of Impressionism, is an amazing artist. The three works below are some of his least known works, but some of his best, in my opinion. I love the short brushstrokes, and bright eye-popping colors. What makes the distinguishable from other impressionistic works, is his use of color. Monet is one of the impressionists who completely did away with black from his pallet. He also went out at different times a day,  so he could capture what his subject looked in certain lights, and certain seasons. That is one of the things he is most well-known for, painting one subject matter dozens of times . The differences between these three pictures are subtle, but noticeable, as with the colors of certain times a day. The first one was more than likely painted early in the morning, the second later in the afternoon, and the third midday. This shows Monets' love of painting at different times a day. 

Art Career:Photography

Photography is a career I’d be really interested to get involved with. It’s a very interesting medium, because of all of the things, places, and people you can take pictures of, and all of the interesting things you can do with the pictures afterwards, like special affects and whatnot, just because of the technology we have these days. This blog is a blog of a Californian college, and I found it really cool to see others who are interested in the same line of work as me. For training in photography, you don’t really need much. Most photographers go to a liberal arts college, or a community college that offers photography courses. The median salary for photographers in the US is around $53, 700, a year. Some careers for photographers include: Studio photography, Photo Journalism, Scientific photography, Industrial photography, food photography, sports photography, and Fine Arts photography. I would most like to be a photographer that travels. I want to see the world, and if I can get beautiful artwork out of that, that would be amazing!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Future life.

Life after high school. It's really scary to think about. I mean. I don't know why or anything. It just is. I want to be  a cop. I've looked up a lot of different schools, and stuff, and my top choices are The University of Florida, Souther Illinois University, and the University of Alaska. Majoring in Criminal Justice. That way, if I decide I do not want to be a cop, I have a lot of places to fall back on. If I don't make it as a cop, I would love to be a criminal investigator. For this, I'll need a career in Criminal Sciences. To get this job, I would, obviously, need to graduate high school with at least a b average in science. Let's hope I can do it!!